So, you've caught the DIY bug and are ready to dive into the magical world of creating your own website. Where to begin? Fear not, intrepid digital adventurer, because we're about to spill the beans on how to whip up a killer website using WordPress wizardry.

And guess what? We've got the freshest tips hot off the press to ensure you're riding the website-making wave like a pro.

Step 1: The WordPress Waltz

First things first, let's get you acquainted with the WordPress dance floor. Head over to (not the other party; we're talking the self-hosted shindig) and hit that sweet "Get Started" button. Follow the prompts, and voila, you're officially in the WordPress club.

What's the difference between and

  • With, the reins are in your hands. You play host to your website or blog through a third-party hosting provider. This means rolling up your sleeves to download the WordPress software, snag a domain name from a third-party site, and take charge of server management. It's a DIY extravaganza, giving you the steering wheel in this digital road trip.
  • On the flip side, if you opt for, they've got the hosting covered for you. No need to bother with software downloads or server management – they're the backstage crew ensuring your website shines. However, there's a twist. If you go the route, your website's URL will carry their name, like But wait, there's more! You can level up your game by upgrading your account and snagging a custom domain from a third-party provider.

Your friendly reminder: Select your WordPress plan ( only).

To begin creating your website, select a WordPress plan. With, you’ll have to choose between the six plans they offer.

Step 2: The Domain And Hosting Disco

To kickstart your adventure, securing a domain name (let's say and hosting service is crucial. This dynamic duo is the tag team that gets your website up and running on the vast internet stage.

Picking a domain is like choosing a stage name. It's got to be catchy, memorable, and uniquely you. Many hosting providers offer a free domain name, so keep your eyes peeled for those golden deals. Once you've got the perfect domain, proceed to the next groove.

  • There are tons out there like Bluehost, SiteGround, or Kinsta. Pick one that suits your style and budget, and sign up for a hosting plan.

Here’s a heads up though: if you decide to get your domain name and hosting from different players in this digital symphony, a little chore awaits. You'll need to perform a DNS dance, known as changing your website’s Domain Nameservers (DNS). This maneuver ensures that your domain name, courtesy of your registrar, gracefully points to your hosting company.

Step 3: WordPress Installation Jamboree

Now that you've secured your plot of digital real estate, it's time to set up WordPress. Most hosting providers have a nifty one-click installation option, making it a piece of cake. Follow the prompts, choose a strong password (no "password123," please), and hit install.

  • Remember to optimize the settings to your needs!
  • By default, you have a few themes installed. Once you choose a theme in step #4 below, you should delete any unused themes to remove vulnerabilities from your site (hackers can attack WordPress websites with outdated themes).
  • Oopsie daisy! The “S” in HTTPS stands for secure. Adding this is done with an SSL certificate, and it’s an important step. It means your website is encrypted and safer for viewers. Having HTTPS instead of HTTP gives you the “lock” icon next to your URL—Google (and most internet users) wants to see a secure website.

Step 4: Theme Tango

Your website's outfit is crucial, and that's where themes come into play. Head to the WordPress dashboard, navigate to "Appearance," and click on "Themes." Browse through the theme library and find one that suits your vibe. Click "Activate," and watch your website transform into a virtual runway.

Believe it or not, the standard Twenty Twenty-Three theme packs a punch. In the world of WordPress themes, many have caught up with the times, ensuring they're search engine-friendly and cater to the demands of today's savvy users, including mobile responsiveness.

But, here's the inside scoop: while themes are designed to shine, some come with a baggage of unnecessary extras, turning your website into a slowpoke. So, when picking a theme, be a discerning chooser. Opt for one that serves up only the features you need, steering clear of the bloat that's more dead weight than a boost to your site.

  • One might ask: "Alright, is that all?" I mean - we did get to the crucial parts already, right?

Hold on

Because we are still miles away from finish!

Stay tuned - and we will keep on guiding you on this journey.